What a year and with all the twists and turns everyone has dealt with over the past several months we face one more challenge with the staging of this year's AGM.
Book the date - 22nd Oct. 2020 8.00 pm
Via Zoom
To facilitate organisation of the meeting the Committee asks that you register your intention to attend with the Secretary (myrtsec@gmail.com).
Following registration, zoom instructions and meeting protocols will be sent and later the link to the meeting.
NOTE: Proxy vote and Committee nomination forms will be sent separately to full members
Meeting Agenda
1. Minutes of the 2019 AGM
2. President's Report
3. Treasurer's Report
4. Committee recommendations (see below)
5. Ratification of probationary memberships
6. Membership applications and changes
7. Election of Office Bearers and Committee Members
8. General Business
- Member grievance re Age Entry standing rule
(A separate email will be sent soon relating to this item)
Committee recommendations :
1. Annual subscriptions and joining fees remain unchanged but accommodation rates to be increased to that shown HERE.
2. That membership applications on the waiting list (as at 18 Sep 2020) be tabled and considered at the 2021 AGM.
3. That the Club's Code of Conduct and Revised Standing Rules be ratified.
(Documents can be viewed or downloaded HERE.)
Membership changes received so far:
Family member to single member
Sarah McKay Lucy Roberts
Bethany Morgan Jacob Rumsey
Marshall Raven Elizabeth Salmon
Family associate to single associate
Caroline Robinson David Robinson
Single to family
Di Marshall
Member applications received so far:
Full membership
1. Janine Milne and family
2. Jenny Reed & Greg Clydesdale
3. Kate Hawkes & Simon Maughan and family
Associate membership
Alisha & Jared Brien and family
(received 18/3/2020, placed on waiting list as associate membership is closed for 2020)