Brett joined the club as an euthusiastic junior member in 1983, nominated by Leonie
Williams. He was first elected to committee in 1993 and served as a general committee
person for 4 years. He was then elected President in 1997 and filled this role for 6 years, before stepping down to Vice-President in 2003/04, retruning to President during 2004.
Due to ill health Brett resigned from committee in 2005, however still served the
club by taking the role of Summer Bookings Officer for the next 5 years.
Brett was re-elected to committee in 2012 and returned as President in 2013, until 2021.
Brett is by far the longest serving President of the club, and his service and
dedication to the club is in the same league as Dick Walpole, Leonie Williams and
David Robertson. He remains on the Committee to date.