Rob Bone joined the club in 1990, and served and contributed to the club for over 29 years. He was first elected to Committee at the 1999 AGM and served continuously on Committee for 14 years. He was elected as Vice President in 2005 and filled this position for 3 years and served his final five years as President of the Club from 2008 - 2012.
Rob was on Committee during a major revision of the Club Constitution and also chaired the Special General Meeting that made major amendments to this document in 2008 and some minor additions in 2009. Rob’s, tenure on the Committee oversaw the improvements to the upstairs bathrooms which, over the years, have stood the test of time. He was also instrumental in moving the Room 8 renovation from the planning stage right through to completion. This involved new heating, double glazing on the windows, new carpet and some modifications to doorways as well as the upgrading of both bathrooms.