Robert Watson 1979

Robert (Bob) Watson

In 1979 Robert (Bob) Watson was granted Life Membership for services rendered to the club.  He was first elected to the committee in 1967 and served as Secretary (1968 – 72) and President (1973 – 74).

When Bob to over leadership or the club it was obvious that the lodge was too small and there were not enough bunks.  Everyone was talking about extending but nobody actually did anything until Bob said “Why don’t we renovate – and he did.  He instigated a joining fee and also raised money by holding BBQs at the Nug Nug Reserve.  Bob oversaw lodge improvements that included a second storey being built over the woodshed and the whole lodge being ro-roofed.  The kitchen and common room were remodelled and the balcony and glass doors were added as well as central heating being installed.

Bob also looked at the needs of skier.  In these days there were often parties until early morning and even until dawn, however at this time everything closed at 11 pm.  Bob decided to ‘enlighten’ (or should that be enliven?) the mountain.  He struck a deal with the Boulds family, who were the Buffalo Hotel licensees.  He negotiated to take a tap from the hotel and install it in the lodge and in return, the Boulds family would be made members of the club, as well as all the beer that went through that top must have been bought from the Buffalo Hotel.  People came from far and wide to see the famous tap and spent many a happy hour around it.
